Lying is a hallmark behavior of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), and understanding why it happens can help in coping with the challenges of dealing with a narcissist. From boosting self-esteem to protecting their fragile ego, narcissists often twist the truth to suit their needs. For anyone in a relationship with someone who has NPD, the impact of these lies can be deeply damaging, leading to emotional confusion, distrust, and even gaslighting.

Narcissists lie for various reasons, often as a way to protect or elevate themselves. Other reasons include:

  • To boost self-esteem
  • To gain attention and admiration
  • To maintain a desired image
  • To avoid guilt and shame
  • To devalue others
  • To manipulate situations
  • Due to a lack of restraint


Their constant need for attention and admiration drives them to lie in order to impress those around them. Narcissists may also manipulate situations to ensure they look good and are willing to lie without restraint to achieve their goals. Lying can become such a common behavior for them that they sometimes seem to believe their own fabrications. When confronted with the truth, narcissists often respond with denial, blaming others, or gaslighting to avoid accountability.


What To Do When A Narcissist Lies

When a narcissist lies, it’s important to recognize the behavior without getting emotionally entangled in their manipulation. Arguing over the truth is often futile because narcissists tend to deny or twist facts to suit their narrative. When confronted with a narcissist’s lie, it’s important to keep a few strategies in mind:

  • Stay Calm: Reacting emotionally often gives the narcissist more control, as they may use your reaction to further manipulate the situation.
  • Avoid Direct Confrontation: While it may seem natural to call out a lie, narcissists are likely to deny or escalate the situation through gaslighting, making it difficult to reach a resolution.
  • Set Boundaries: Protect your emotional and mental well-being by setting clear boundaries on what behavior is acceptable.
  • Seek Support: Dealing with a narcissist can be emotionally draining. Consider seeking guidance from a therapist who can help you navigate difficult situations and build coping strategies.


It’s essential to distance yourself emotionally and understand that their lying isn’t a reflection of reality but rather a manifestation of their mental health issues.

If possible, keep a record of significant lies or events. This can help maintain clarity in situations where gaslighting or denial of the truth is involved. Seeking support, whether through therapy or from trusted friends and family, is another effective way to cope with the effects of narcissistic lies. In therapy, professionals can help individuals process the emotional toll and develop strategies to disengage from toxic behaviors.

What is Narcissist Personality Disorder?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition where individuals have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for excessive attention and admiration. Those with NPD often lack empathy for others and have fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to criticism. The lies they tell frequently serve to maintain the image they wish to project to the world. These individuals may exaggerate achievements, twist stories to suit their perspective, or deny truths that challenge their sense of superiority.

Lying becomes a tool for narcissists to manipulate others and control how they’re perceived. At the core of their disorder is a constant need for validation and admiration, so any threat to this can trigger defensive lying. Narcissists can weave elaborate stories that enhance their status or protect their ego from what they perceive as a personal attack, no matter how small.


Why Does Someone with BPD Lie?

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is another condition where lying may occur, though the reasons behind it differ from those in NPD. People with BPD often struggle with intense emotional instability, fear of abandonment, and difficulty maintaining relationships. They may lie as a way to protect themselves from overwhelming feelings or rejection. Here are a few reasons why someone with BPD might lie:

  • Fear of Rejection: Those with BPD often have a deep-seated fear of being abandoned or rejected. Lying can be a way to avoid scenarios they believe might lead to losing important people in their lives.
  • Emotional Overwhelm: The intense emotions that people with BPD experience can sometimes lead to impulsive lying, particularly in moments of panic or stress. They may lie in the heat of the moment to deflect blame or avoid confrontation.
  • Desire for Control: Like narcissists, people with BPD may also lie to control situations, particularly when they feel vulnerable or out of control. These lies are often driven by emotional rather than manipulative reasons.
  • Self-Protection: Lies can serve as a shield from feelings of guilt or shame, especially when someone with BPD feels misunderstood or attacked.


While the motivation to lie differs between NPD and BPD, the emotional distress and instability that drive these behaviors highlight the importance of addressing underlying mental health concerns.

Why Do Lies Turn into Gaslighting?

One of the more destructive aspects of narcissistic behavior is the use of lies to gaslight others. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where the narcissist makes the victim doubt their own perception of reality. This can involve outright denial of events, twisting facts, or even accusing the victim of lying or overreacting. Over time, this can erode a person’s confidence in their ability to trust themselves.

Narcissists often use gaslighting as a way to maintain control in relationships. When their lies are exposed, they might respond by shifting the blame onto the other person, accusing them of misunderstanding or being overly sensitive. Gaslighting allows the narcissist to deflect attention away from their dishonest behavior and creates confusion and doubt in the victim’s mind.

For example, if a narcissist is confronted about a lie, they may say, “You’re imagining things,” or “That never happened,” leaving the other person questioning their own memory or perception. This technique keeps the narcissist in a position of power, as the victim becomes increasingly reliant on them for a sense of reality.

Peak Wellness Can Assist with Mental Health

Dealing with the lies and manipulation of a narcissist can be emotionally draining, and it often takes a toll on mental health. Fortunately, Peak Wellness, a mental health facility in New Jersey, offers specialized treatment programs designed to help individuals cope with the effects of narcissistic behavior and other related mental health challenges.

Peak Wellness provides both outpatient and intensive outpatient programs, offering support for a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, anger, post traumatic stress disorder, and bipolar disorder. Their unique approach to therapy includes a variety of options tailored to individual needs, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and specialized therapies for individuals, couples, families, and even divorce therapy.

For those struggling with the emotional fallout from a relationship with a narcissist, therapy at Peak Wellness can help. Their professionals can guide individuals through the recovery process, offering tools and strategies to recognize manipulation, set healthy boundaries, and rebuild self-esteem. Whether you’re looking for support in managing the psychological impact of NPD or dealing with other mental health challenges, Peak Wellness can provide the care and guidance necessary to promote healing and well-being.

Understanding why narcissists lie is crucial for protecting yourself from the emotional harm they can cause. Recognizing the patterns of their behavior, from the need for admiration to the use of gaslighting, helps in maintaining perspective and setting healthy boundaries. If you or someone you know is dealing with the effects of a narcissist’s lies, seeking professional mental health support from a facility like Peak Wellness can be a valuable step toward recovery.