Bipolar Treatment Programs in New Jersey

You’ve probably heard the term “bipolar” tossed around, but what does it mean to have bipolar disorder? It’s a condition that causes extreme mood swings, going from feeling super energized and invincible to feeling extremely sad and hopeless. If that weren’t enough, many people with bipolar disorder also struggle with drug or alcohol abuse.
The good news is that New Jersey offers treatment programs for both bipolar disorder and dual diagnoses for individuals dealing with bipolar disorder and addiction. If you’re struggling with bipolar disorder, it’s important to learn exactly what bipolar disorder is, why substance abuse goes hand-in-hand with it, and what kinds of bipolar treatment programs you can find right here in New Jersey at Peak Wellness.
Bipolar disorder, previously referred to as manic-depressive illness, is a mental health condition marked by intense mood swings or episodes of both mania and depression. Individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder go through phases of heightened emotional highs, termed manic episodes, as well as periods of profound sadness or hopelessness, referred to as depressive episodes. Peak Wellness offers depression treatment centers in New Jersey.
Manic Episodes
During manic episodes, individuals often experience heightened energy levels, intense euphoria, or irritability. This emotional state can lead to impulsive and risky behaviors, including excessive spending, reckless driving, or substance abuse. Racing thoughts and difficulty concentrating are common during these episodes. Additionally, sleep patterns may be disturbed, often characterized by a decreased need for sleep. These manifestations collectively define the manic phase of bipolar disorder, contributing to the distinct and challenging nature of the condition.
Manic-depressive illness comes in several types. Bipolar I disorder is defined by manic or mixed episodes that last at least 7 days. Bipolar Il disorder is defined by a pattern of depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes, but not the full-blown manic episodes that are typical of bipolar I disorder. Cyclothymic disorder or cyclothymia, is a mild form of bipolar disorder. Its symptoms are like manic-depressive illness but less severe.
Depressive Episodes
While in depressive episodes, individuals may feel very sad, tired, and worthless. Their eating and sleeping habits often change, with either too much sleep or difficulty sleeping. Concentration and decision-making become challenging. In severe cases, people may have thoughts of self-harm or suicide, highlighting the seriousness of bipolar disorder’s depressive phase. Those dealing with bipolar disorder must have strong support and seek professional help.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?
The signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder can vary widely and may manifest in different ways. Here are some key indicators:
- Elevated Mood: Feeling overly happy or euphoric.
- Increased Energy: Experiencing a heightened level of energy and activity.
- Impulsivity: Making impulsive decisions without considering consequences.
- Needing less sleep: Feeling rested with much less sleep.
- Racing Thoughts: Thoughts are racing at a fast pace.
- Talkativeness: Speaking rapidly and jumping between topics.
- Distractibility: Being easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli.
- Low Mood: Continual emotions of sorrow or despair.
- Fatigue: Experiencing low energy and fatigue, even after rest.
- Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia or hypersomnia (excessive sleep).
- Appetite Changes: Significant weight loss or gain.
- Difficulty Concentrating: Trouble making decisions or concentrating on tasks.
- Feelings of Worthlessness: Persistent feelings of guilt or worthlessness.
- Suicidal Thoughts: Thoughts of death or suicide.
Certain individuals might encounter symptoms of both mania and depression at the same time. This can include feeling agitated, irritable, and having racing thoughts while also experiencing a low mood and a lack of energy.
Bipolar disorder can have a significant impact on daily functioning and quality of life. Diagnosis and treatment by mental health professionals are crucial for managing symptoms and improving overall well-being.
The Link Between Substance Abuse and Bipolar Disorder
If you or a loved one is struggling with bipolar disorder, it’s important to understand the risks of also developing a substance use disorder. Unfortunately, people with bipolar disorder are much more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. The reasons for this are complex, but it often comes down to a desire for self-medication, escapism during extreme mood states, and a heightened vulnerability to impulsivity.
When experiencing depressive, manic, or hypomanic episodes, you may turn to drugs or alcohol in an attempt to numb emotional or mental pain, boost your mood, or induce sleep. This is known as self-medicating, and while it may provide temporary relief, it only makes the underlying condition worse in the long run. The substances interact with your medications and worsen symptoms, creating a dangerous spiral.
Some people with bipolar disorder abuse substances as a way to escape from their symptoms during mood episodes. For example, when you are extremely depressed, you may turn to stimulants to boost your mood and energy. Or, when manic, you may use depressants like alcohol or benzodiazepines to try to calm your racing thoughts and bring you back down. Again, this only exacerbates the symptoms over the long run.
Individuals with bipolar disorder are particularly prone to impulsive behaviors, and this inclination can significantly contribute to the increased risk of substance abuse. The impulsive nature of bipolar disorder can lead to spontaneous decisions to use drugs or alcohol, especially during manic or hypomanic states, without fully considering the consequences.
The most effective treatment for co-occurring bipolar disorder and substance abuse is an integrated treatment plan that addresses both conditions. This may involve counseling, therapy, medication, hospitalization, and support groups. Recovery is a lifelong journey, but with proper treatment and management, individuals with this dual diagnosis can live healthy, stable lives.
Seeking Help for Bipolar Disorder
If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder, it is recommended that you seek professional help. Here are some general steps involved in the assessment process:
A healthcare provider, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, will conduct an initial consultation. This involves discussing symptoms, medical history, and any family history of mental health issues.
The healthcare provider will refer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) criteria to determine if the symptoms align with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder involves periods of mania or hypomania, as well as depressive episodes.
A physical examination may be conducted to rule out any potential medical causes for the symptoms. Blood tests may also be performed.
Keeping a mood diary where the individual records their daily mood fluctuations, energy levels, and sleep patterns can provide valuable information for the assessment.
Psychological assessments may be conducted to evaluate cognitive function, emotional well-being, and the impact of symptoms on daily life.
The healthcare provider may observe the individual’s behavior and conduct interviews with them and, if possible, with family members or close friends to gather a comprehensive understanding of the symptoms.
Information from people close to the individual can be important in understanding the patterns of behavior and mood fluctuations.
The duration and frequency of symptoms are considered to determine if they meet the criteria for bipolar disorder.
Remember, only a qualified healthcare professional can provide a definitive diagnosis and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health concerns, it is important to seek professional help.
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What are the Different Bipolar Treatment Programs Available in New Jersey?
Mood stabilizers, like lithium or Depakote, are often prescribed to help balance moods and reduce episodes of mania or depression. Antipsychotic medications or antidepressants may also be used. Discovering the appropriate medication or a suitable combination of medications involves a process of trial and error.
Talk therapy can be effective for learning coping strategies and sticking to a routine. Therapeutic sessions can take the form of individual therapy or group therapy.
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): Helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors.
- Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT): Focuses on maintaining a regular daily routine and improving interpersonal relationships.
- Family-focused therapy: Involves family members in the treatment process to enhance support and understanding.
- Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): In some severe cases, ECT may be considered, particularly when other treatments have not been effective.
In acute situations, hospitalization may be necessary to stabilize severe symptoms or ensure the individual’s safety.
Participating in support groups with others who have bipolar disorder can provide valuable understanding and encouragement.
Unfortunately, some people with bipolar disorder turn to drugs or alcohol to self-medicate, which only makes the condition worse. Dual diagnosis programs treat both bipolar disorder and substance abuse simultaneously through therapy, medication, support groups, and lifestyle changes.
It’s crucial not to navigate through this by yourself. Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, but with proper treatment and management, people can live healthy, stable lives. Reach out for help immediately if symptoms spiral out of control. There are many resources and support systems available whenever you need them.
Get Help at Peak Wellness
If you or a loved one is seeking help for bipolar disorder, consider exploring the comprehensive treatment programs offered at Peak Wellness. Our specialized services address the unique challenges of bipolar disorder, providing integrated care that encompasses individual therapy, group sessions, family involvement, and support for co-occurring substance abuse issues. At Peak Wellness, our dedicated professionals are committed to guiding you toward recovery and stability. Take the first step toward improved mental health and well-being by reaching out to us today.