Author: Peak Mental & Wellness

Does Anxiety Cause Loss of Appetite?

Anxiety can significantly impact many aspects of daily life, including appetite. While some people may overeat during periods of stress, others experience a marked decrease in appetite, often finding it difficult to eat even their favorite meals. This phenomenon is more than just a lack of hunger; it’s a physical and psychological response to anxiety that affects the body’s digestive system and overall health.

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Think You May Have BPD? Take the BPD Quiz

Borderline Personality Disorder, otherwise known as BPD, is a highly impactful mental illness that can determine much about an individual’s personal relationships. It affects about 6% of the American population, but only one-fifth of all people with BPD report seeking treatment. It is frequently diagnosed with other co-occurring disorders, and treatment may help with managing the other disorders.

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Understanding Echoism: Opposite of Narcissist

The opposite of a narcissist is often called an echoist—a person who tends to avoid attention, puts others’ needs before their own, and may struggle with self-worth. Echoism, a term gaining recognition in psychology, describes people who often put others’ needs above their own to the point of self-neglect. Unlike narcissists, who crave attention and admiration, echoists shy away from praise, often feeling uncomfortable with the spotlight on themselves.

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Bipolar 1 vs 2: What is the Difference Between Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2?

While the stigma surrounding mental health continues to get broken down and we continue to have more open and honest conversations not just about mental health but getting help for mental health conditions, it’s important that people have an accurate understanding of what different mental health conditions may look like for different individuals.

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