Author: Peak Mental & Wellness

Summer Self-Care: Summer Checklist for Good Summer Mental Health

Summer is a time of fun, relaxation, and a chance to recharge our batteries! However, it’s important to remember that our mental health can also be affected during this season. The combination of longer days, warmer weather, and a change in routine can have a significant impact on our well-being. To make the most of this season, consider creating a summer bucket list to ensure a fun and fulfilling summer.

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Women and Mental Health

While millions of Americans in almost every age group struggle with a wide spectrum of mental health challenges, women are diagnosed with serious mental health conditions at a rate of 7% more than men. Over 51% of women seek mental health services, a much higher percentage than teens and men. In Burlington County, local health departments have noted a significant uptick in mental health service utilization among women.

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What is the Root Cause of Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people globally. It is characterized by an intense fear of social situations, which can make it challenging for individuals to interact with others and engage in social activities. While the exact cause of social anxiety is not fully understood, experts believe that several factors contribute to its development. In this article, we will explore the root cause of social anxiety and discuss strategies to address and overcome it.

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